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You consider yourself to be a strong and independent person who has been trying to take your life to the next level for a long time, but you feel stuck and can't seem to get any further. You may have been dealing with anxiety, depression or feeling lost in your life and have made some progress forward, but the road has been long and you know deep within that there's more. You know that you deserve to live an extraordinary life and are just ready to let go of these limitations.


The more work you do on yourself, the more frustrated you feel because nothing you have been doing is bringing lasting change. You wonder why you are still feeling stuck after spending so much time and money on changing yourself and your life. You are ready to find the answer and are tired of waiting. You want a simple, effective solution that will get you through these blocks once and for all.


I’ve been there too and finally found the answer

You know you have what it takes to live an extraordinary life

You consider yourself a strong and independent person who has been trying to find balance or take your life to the next level for a long time, but you feel stuck and can't seem to make any progress. You may be dealing with anxiety, depression or feeling discouraged and you know deep within that there's more. You know you deserve to live an extraordinary life and are ready to let go of these limitations.


The more work you do on yourself, the more frustrated you feel because nothing you are doing is bringing lasting change. You wonder why you are still feeling stuck after spending so much time and money on changing yourself and your life. You are ready to find the answer and are tired of waiting. You want a simple, effective solution that will get you through these blocks once and for all.

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Hi, I'm Laura Turiano, MC, RTT, Cl Hyp

I am a Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) and hypnosis coach who helps people that may feel depressed, anxious, or like they are not living in line with their life purpose. They have tried a lot of things to feel better, remove their blocks, find balance or live authentically but can't seem to make the changes stick. I help them find the root of these issues so they can let them go and fully enjoy their lives.

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My Story

It all started when I went away to college and realized that I was severely depressed. There were days when I couldn't even get out of bed which didn't bode well with my roommate because we lived in a small dorm room. I finally returned to the city where I grew up to be closer to family so that I could get a handle on the depression. I was in bad shape emotionally and I needed to do whatever was necessary to heal.

Luckily I found a very intense program that took me on an emotional journey to heal my past. This program lasted six months with meetings twice a week for eight hours each day. Over the course of the six months we proceeded to revisit our childhoods and find the places that needed to be healed. This included breathwork, screaming into pillows, crying, facing our fears and a number of other techniques and experiences. When I came out on the other side of this experience I felt completely different and was finally able to love myself for the first time since I was a young child.


Looking for answers

Because I was able to heal myself of depression by going back to my childhood and confronting my pain, I became committed to helping people do the same. The problem was that I only had a bachelor's degree and didn't want to continue school. Eventually I abandoned this dream and instead steered toward the corporate world in order to make money and pursue the “American dream.”


After eight years in the corporate world I felt unfulfilled and could feel a calling deep within to return to my purpose - to help people heal and feel more joy and passion in life. I decided to go back to school to pursue my Master of Counseling. I continued to work full-time and spent three years earning my degree at night and on the weekends. After graduation I was exhausted from the non-stop pace, but also really excited to finally be able to do what I loved. I got a job working at a social agency in town with a starting pay of $13/hour (this was 2001). Being that I was a professional, I was on salary, so I wasn't paid overtime and my work week was closer to 60 hours instead of 40. If that wasn't bad enough, I was working with clients who were court ordered to be in therapy and had no interest in changing anything about themselves or their lives. After close to a year of working in this environment I realized that this was not what I expected and that it was going to take years for me to be able to work with people who were motivated to change. I felt disappointed, confused and tired so I decided to go back to the familiar corporate world working for a civil engineering company.


I worked for the same company for almost 20 years and really enjoyed the firm, the people, and the work I was doing, but I knew that it wasn't what I really wanted to do with my life. During the last five years of my tenure there I once again began to feel the calling from within to help people in the way that I knew would make a significant impact on their lives.


Finding my way

During my daily commute to and from work I listened to a wide variety of podcasts with Tim Ferriss, Jess Lively, Pat Flynn, Cal Fussman, Jim Kwik, etc. In the summer of 2017 on a podcast I heard an interview with a woman named Marisa Peer talking about a type of therapy that she created called Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT). According to Marisa, this type of therapy utilizes hypnosis to help people access their subconscious mind in order to get to the “root" of an issue. Marisa said that with RTT people could remove emotional blocks and pain from their lives in 1 - 3 sessions. When I heard Marisa talking I felt chills down my spine and had a strong sense that this was my answer. Marisa was on the podcast again doing an actual RTT session with a woman wanting to heal a block to abundance that she had experienced throughout her life. The recording was fascinating and I was hooked.


After this podcast I found Marisa's website and discovered that she was training therapists in RTT and the next US training would be in LA in November 2017. There was nothing I would rather do that attend this training, but at the time I didn't not think it would even be a possibility. Because I felt called to investigate RTT and because I had been asking the Universe to help me find a way to do work that I loved, I decided to see if I could arrange to attend the training. I checked on babysitting, finances, accommodations for the training and to my surprise was able to put all the pieces in place in four days. It felt like a miracle and since it came together so easily, I knew it was meant to be.


Where I am today

Since graduating as an RTT practitioner in 2017 my whole life has changed. For the first year I did RTT on the weekends while I continued to work full-time. In April 2019 I left that work to focus solely on RTT and my business. I have now come full circle from a young girl with severe depression and lack of confidence to an accomplished business woman who is doing important work in the world. I am now able to use the pain from my past to help people and to change lives. I now feel a deep sense of purpose in my own life and feel I am contributing to make the world better with each person that I serve. 


Since my training I have worked with hundreds of people and seen lives transform in ways I couldn't have imagined. In the early days I remember being so amazed at the results from RTT. It was fascinating to realize the power of the subconscious programming that happens when we are children.


In addition to RTT, I also offer coaching services for people who want support to take their lives to the next level after they release these subconscious blocks. My goal is to support clients in whatever way they need so that they can thrive. I am truly humbled by the power of RTT and the amazing people I am privileged to assist in realizing their own magnificence.


My purpose

Now I help people get to the root of issues like depression, anxiety, or not knowing their purpose in as little as one session instead of having to spend months or even years and thousands of dollars in other types of therapy. By going straight to the subconscious, they can let go of their limiting beliefs once and for all and create a life of joy, ease, and passion.


If you are ready to stop letting old programming keep you from living the life you desire go to my Work With Me page or send me an email at


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